Spectacle on The Strip

Glamorous casinos, stretch hummer limousines and every few metres another unbelievable spectacle: the Las Vegas Strip is everything you ever imagined and it never ceases to surprise. The boulevard in the middle of the Nevada desert is almost 7 kilometres long and is a sequence of superlatives.


Las Vegas, United States

View Guide From THB 66,785*
A gondola ride in The VenetianA gondola ride in The Venetian

Hotels as a main attraction

The Strip is actually no more than a long succession of hotels: each one bigger and more luxurious than the next. Most feature a highly elaborate theme. How about breakfast in a French café under the Eiffel Tower – then visit the Paris Las Vegas Hotel. A romantic gondola ride on the Venice canals – enjoy the waterways at The Venetian. Each hotel has its own unique way to stand out from its neighbour, an attraction in itself.

Scrumptious buffets

Even when it comes to food, Vegas offers a host of eccentric experiences. And prices are still very reasonable. Casinos prefer that you spend your money on their slot machines so they offer enormous buffets for next to nothing. If the word buffet conjures up images of bad food, you will be in for a surprise in Vegas! The buffet at the Bellagio hotel (exactly, the one with the enormous fountains) offers practically every cuisine in the world. Feast on piles of quality crab legs, Japanese teriyaki steak or maybe just a slice of pizza. And be sure to leave some room for the impressive dessert buffet. The desserts are not that big so you can sample a variety. 8 desserts on your plate? Don’t worry, decadence is the name of the game in Vegas.

Over the edge of InsanityOver the edge of Insanity

Las Vegas from an elevation of 356 metres

The rooms and the facilities at the Stratosphere are not the most spectacular in Las Vegas, but the Stratosphere Tower more than makes up for that. This 356-metre-high monster is the highest tower on the Strip. The view from the top is truly stunning and for a hair-raising experience, peer over the edge of Insanity. This ride consists of a giant mechanical arm that lifts you right over the edge of the tower. To make the ride even more exciting, the arm will tilt 70 degrees so you look straight down onto the Strip.


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